Weekdays Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Departure #9 Departure #10 Departure #11 Departure #12 Departure #13 Departure #14 Departure #15 Departure #16 Łódź Fabryczna - 05:20 - - - - 13:57 14:18 15:44 - 16:30 - 19:58 21:04 - - Łódź Niciarniana - 05:23 - - - - 14:00 14:21 15:47 - 16:33 - 20:01 21:07 - - Łódź Widzew 05:16 05:35 07:20 09:06 11:08 12:39 14:04 14:26 15:52 16:07 16:37 19:01 20:13 21:19 22:08 23:06 Łódź Zarzew 05:20 - - - 11:12 12:43 - - - 16:11 - - 20:17 21:23 22:12 - Łódź Dąbrowa 05:22 - - - 11:14 12:45 - - - 16:13 - - 20:19 21:25 22:15 - Łódź Andrzejów Szosa - 05:40 07:26 09:13 - - 14:09 14:31 15:58 - 16:43 19:07 - - - 23:13 Łódź Olechów Wschód - 05:44 07:30 09:16 - - 14:13 14:35 16:01 - 16:46 19:11 - - - 23:17 Łódź Olechów Zachód - 05:47 07:34 09:19 - - 14:16 14:39 16:04 - 16:50 19:14 - - - 23:21 Łódź Olechów Wiadukt - 05:49 07:36 09:21 - - 14:18 14:41 16:06 - 16:51 19:16 - - - 23:23 Łódź Chojny 05:25 05:55 07:44 09:27 11:21 12:48 14:24 14:46 16:11 16:21 16:57 19:21 20:22 21:29 22:20 23:28 Łódź Pabianicka 05:29 05:59 07:48 09:30 11:25 12:52 14:27 14:50 16:15 16:24 17:01 19:25 20:26 21:32 22:23 23:32 Łódź Kaliska 05:47 06:12 07:59 09:46 11:47 13:03 14:39 15:09 16:29 16:43 17:15 19:36 20:37 21:44 22:35 23:45 Łódź Retkinia 05:50 06:16 08:02 09:50 11:50 13:07 14:42 15:12 16:33 16:47 17:18 19:40 20:41 21:48 22:38 23:49 Łódź Lublinek 05:54 06:19 08:06 09:53 11:54 13:10 14:46 15:16 - 16:50 17:22 19:43 20:44 21:51 22:42 23:52 Pabianice Północne 05:59 06:24 08:11 09:58 11:59 13:15 14:51 15:21 - 16:55 17:27 19:48 20:49 21:56 22:47 23:57 Pabianice 06:02 06:27 08:14 10:01 12:02 13:18 14:54 15:24 16:41 16:58 17:30 19:51 20:52 21:59 22:50 00:00 Chechło 06:05 06:30 08:17 10:04 12:05 13:21 14:57 15:27 - 17:01 17:33 19:54 20:55 22:02 22:53 00:03 Dobroń 06:08 06:34 08:20 10:08 12:08 13:25 15:00 15:30 - 17:05 17:37 19:58 20:59 22:05 22:56 00:06 Kolumna 06:11 06:37 08:23 10:11 12:11 13:28 15:03 15:33 16:48 17:08 17:40 20:01 21:02 22:08 22:59 00:09 Łask 06:17 06:42 08:29 10:16 12:17 13:33 15:09 15:38 16:53 17:13 17:45 20:06 21:07 22:13 23:05 00:14 Borszewice 06:21 06:46 08:33 10:20 12:21 13:37 15:13 15:42 - 17:17 17:49 20:10 21:11 22:17 23:09 00:18 Zduńska Wola 06:27 06:52 08:39 10:26 12:27 13:43 15:19 15:48 17:01 17:23 17:55 20:20 21:22 22:23 23:15 00:25 Męcka Wola 06:33 06:59 08:45 10:33 12:33 13:50 15:25 15:54 - 17:29 18:02 20:26 21:29 22:30 23:21 00:32 Sieradz Męka 06:38 07:03 08:50 10:37 12:38 13:54 15:30 15:59 - 17:34 18:06 20:31 21:33 22:34 23:26 00:36 Sieradz Warta 06:41 07:07 08:53 10:41 12:41 13:58 15:33 16:02 - 17:37 18:10 20:34 21:37 22:38 23:29 00:39 Sieradz 06:44 07:10 08:56 10:44 12:44 14:01 15:36 16:05 17:13 17:40 18:13 20:37 21:39 22:40 23:32 00:42
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Saturday Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Łódź Fabryczna 05:20 - - 14:18 - - - - Łódź Niciarniana 05:23 - - 14:21 - - - - Łódź Widzew 05:35 09:06 12:39 14:26 16:07 19:01 22:08 23:06 Łódź Zarzew - - 12:43 - 16:11 - 22:12 - Łódź Dąbrowa - - 12:45 - 16:13 - 22:15 - Łódź Andrzejów Szosa 05:40 09:13 - 14:31 - 19:07 - 23:13 Łódź Olechów Wschód 05:44 09:16 - 14:35 - 19:11 - 23:17 Łódź Olechów Zachód 05:47 09:19 - 14:39 - 19:14 - 23:21 Łódź Olechów Wiadukt 05:49 09:21 - 14:41 - 19:16 - 23:23 Łódź Chojny 05:55 09:27 12:48 14:46 16:21 19:21 22:20 23:28 Łódź Pabianicka 05:59 09:30 12:52 14:50 16:24 19:25 22:23 23:32 Łódź Kaliska 06:12 09:46 13:03 15:09 16:43 19:36 22:35 23:45 Łódź Retkinia 06:16 09:50 13:07 15:12 16:47 19:40 22:38 23:49 Łódź Lublinek 06:19 09:53 13:10 15:16 16:50 19:43 22:42 23:52 Pabianice Północne 06:24 09:58 13:15 15:21 16:55 19:48 22:47 23:57 Pabianice 06:27 10:01 13:18 15:24 16:58 19:51 22:50 00:00 Chechło 06:30 10:04 13:21 15:27 17:01 19:54 22:53 00:03 Dobroń 06:34 10:08 13:25 15:30 17:05 19:58 22:56 00:07 Kolumna 06:37 10:11 13:28 15:33 17:08 20:01 22:59 00:10 Łask 06:42 10:16 13:33 15:38 17:13 20:06 23:05 00:15 Borszewice 06:46 10:20 13:37 15:42 17:17 20:10 23:09 00:19 Zduńska Wola 06:52 10:26 13:43 15:48 17:23 20:20 23:15 00:25 Męcka Wola 06:59 10:33 13:50 15:54 17:29 20:26 23:21 00:31 Sieradz Męka 07:03 10:37 13:54 15:59 17:34 20:31 23:26 00:36 Sieradz Warta 07:07 10:41 13:58 16:02 17:37 20:34 23:29 00:39 Sieradz 07:10 10:44 14:01 16:05 17:40 20:37 23:32 00:42
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Sunday Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Departure #9 Łódź Fabryczna 05:29 - - 14:40 - - - - - Łódź Niciarniana 05:32 - - 14:43 - - - - - Łódź Widzew 05:35 09:14 12:39 14:53 16:14 19:50 21:17 22:11 23:22 Łódź Zarzew - - 12:43 14:57 16:18 - 21:21 22:15 23:26 Łódź Dąbrowa - - 12:45 14:59 16:21 - 21:23 22:17 23:28 Łódź Andrzejów Szosa 05:40 09:20 - - - 19:57 - - - Łódź Olechów Wschód 05:44 09:24 - - - 20:00 - - - Łódź Olechów Zachód 05:47 09:27 - - - 20:04 - - - Łódź Olechów Wiadukt 05:49 09:29 - - - 20:06 - - - Łódź Chojny 05:54 09:35 12:48 15:02 16:24 20:11 21:27 22:20 23:32 Łódź Pabianicka 05:58 09:38 12:52 15:06 16:28 20:15 21:30 22:24 23:35 Łódź Kaliska 06:12 09:51 13:07 15:17 16:39 20:26 21:42 22:35 23:52 Łódź Retkinia 06:15 09:54 13:10 15:20 16:43 20:30 21:46 22:39 23:56 Łódź Lublinek 06:19 09:58 13:14 15:24 16:46 20:33 21:49 22:42 23:59 Pabianice Północne 06:24 10:03 13:19 15:29 16:51 20:38 21:54 22:47 00:04 Pabianice 06:27 10:06 13:22 15:32 16:54 20:41 21:57 22:50 00:07 Chechło 06:30 10:09 13:25 15:35 16:57 20:44 22:00 22:53 00:10 Dobroń 06:33 10:12 13:28 15:38 17:01 20:48 22:04 22:57 00:14 Kolumna 06:36 10:15 13:31 15:41 17:04 20:51 22:07 23:00 00:17 Łask 06:42 10:21 13:37 15:47 17:09 20:56 22:12 23:05 00:22 Borszewice 06:46 10:25 13:41 15:51 17:13 21:00 22:16 23:09 00:26 Zduńska Wola 06:52 10:31 13:47 15:57 17:19 21:06 22:22 23:15 00:32 Izabelów 06:54 10:33 13:49 15:59 17:22 21:09 22:25 23:18 00:35 Męcka Wola 06:58 10:37 13:53 16:03 17:26 21:13 22:29 23:22 00:39 Sieradz Męka 07:03 10:42 13:58 16:08 17:30 21:17 22:33 23:26 00:43 Sieradz Warta 07:06 10:45 14:01 16:11 17:34 21:21 22:37 23:30 00:47 Sieradz 07:09 10:48 14:04 16:14 17:36 21:23 22:39 23:32 00:49
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Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna train schedule - LKA (Sieradz) The Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna train schedule for the LKA route, Sieradz, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Łódź Fabryczna station to Sieradz station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.
You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the train schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date Łódzka Kolej Aglomeracyjna schedule.
Last updated on March 9, 2025
LKA Alternative Directions Schedules