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33 - Stocznia Gdynia 01 Schedule

Weekdays Schedule

StationDeparture #1Departure #2Departure #3Departure #4Departure #5Departure #6Departure #7
Karwiny Tuwima 0106:2406:5407:2307:5313:2913:5414:24
Brzechwy 0106:2506:5507:2407:5413:3013:5514:25
Myśliwska 0106:2606:5607:2507:5513:3113:5614:26
Źródło Marii 0106:2706:5707:2607:5613:3213:5714:27
Nałkowskiej 0106:2806:5807:2707:5713:3313:5814:28
Karwiny Pkm 0106:2906:5907:2907:5913:3413:5914:29
Racławicka 0106:3107:0107:3108:0113:3614:0114:31
Lidzka 0106:3207:0207:3208:0213:3714:0214:32
Olgierda 0106:3307:0307:3308:0313:3814:0314:33
Łowicka 0106:3407:0407:3408:0413:3914:0414:34
Plac Górnośląski 0106:3507:0607:3608:0613:4114:0614:36
Zwycięstwa - Wielkopolska 0106:3707:0807:3808:0813:4314:0814:38
Redłowo Skm - Park Technologiczny 0106:3907:1007:4008:1013:4514:1014:40
Centrum Nauki Experyment 0106:4107:1207:4208:1213:4714:1214:42
Harcerska 0106:4207:1307:4308:1313:4914:1414:44
Urząd Miasta - Świętojańska 0106:4407:1507:4508:1513:5114:1614:46
Traugutta 0106:4507:1607:4608:1713:5314:1814:48
Żwirki I Wigury 0106:4607:1707:4708:1813:5414:1914:49
Skwer Kościuszki - Infobox 0106:4707:1807:4808:1913:5514:2014:50
Plac Kaszubski - Świętojańska 0106:4907:2007:5008:2113:5714:2214:52
Plac Kaszubski - Jana Z Kolna 0206:5007:2107:5108:2213:5814:2314:53
Gdynia Dworzec Gł. PKP - Hala 0606:5207:2307:5308:2414:0014:2514:55
Węzeł Ofiar Grudnia '70 0306:5507:2607:5608:2714:0314:2814:58
Stocznia Gdynia 0106:5607:2707:5708:2814:0414:2914:59

ZKM Gdynia cable car schedule - 33 (Stocznia Gdynia 01)

The ZKM Gdynia cable car schedule for the 33 route, Stocznia Gdynia 01, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Karwiny Tuwima 01 station to Stocznia Gdynia 01 station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.

You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the cable car schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date ZKM Gdynia schedule.