198 - Oksywie Dolne 04 Schedule
Weekdays Schedule
Station | Departure #1 | Departure #2 | Departure #3 | Departure #4 | Departure #5 | Departure #6 | Departure #7 | Departure #8 | Departure #9 | Departure #10 | Departure #11 | Departure #12 | Departure #13 | Departure #14 | Departure #15 | Departure #16 | Departure #17 | Departure #18 |
Chylonia Dworzec PKP - Os. Meksyk 01 | - | - | 05:35 | 05:50 | 06:04 | 06:20 | 06:33 | 06:48 | 07:03 | 07:18 | 07:33 | - | 13:21 | 13:38 | 13:53 | 14:08 | - | 14:23 |
Meksykańska 01 | - | - | 05:36 | 05:51 | 06:05 | 06:21 | 06:34 | 06:49 | 07:04 | 07:19 | 07:34 | - | 13:22 | 13:39 | 13:54 | 14:09 | - | 14:24 |
Pucka - Przemysłowa 02 | - | - | 05:38 | 05:53 | 06:07 | 06:23 | 06:36 | 06:51 | 07:06 | 07:21 | 07:36 | - | 13:24 | 13:41 | 13:56 | 14:11 | - | 14:26 |
Elektrociepłownia - Pucka 02 | - | - | 05:40 | 05:55 | 06:09 | 06:25 | 06:38 | 06:53 | 07:08 | 07:23 | 07:38 | - | 13:26 | 13:43 | 13:58 | 14:13 | - | 14:28 |
Złota 02 | - | - | 05:41 | 05:56 | 06:10 | 06:26 | 06:39 | 06:54 | 07:09 | 07:24 | 07:39 | - | 13:27 | 13:44 | 13:59 | 14:14 | - | 14:29 |
Pogórze Dolne 01 | 05:12 | 05:27 | 05:42 | 05:57 | 06:11 | 06:27 | 06:40 | 06:55 | 07:10 | 07:25 | 07:40 | 13:16 | 13:28 | 13:45 | 14:00 | 14:15 | 14:22 | 14:30 |
Żelazna 01 | 05:13 | 05:28 | 05:43 | 05:58 | 06:12 | 06:28 | 06:41 | 06:56 | 07:11 | 07:26 | 07:41 | 13:17 | 13:29 | 13:46 | 14:01 | 14:16 | 14:23 | 14:31 |
Żeliwna 01 | 05:14 | 05:29 | 05:44 | 05:59 | 06:13 | 06:29 | 06:42 | 06:57 | 07:12 | 07:27 | 07:42 | 13:18 | 13:30 | 13:47 | 14:02 | 14:17 | 14:24 | 14:32 |
Podgórska 01 | 05:15 | 05:30 | 05:45 | 06:00 | 06:14 | 06:30 | 06:43 | 06:58 | 07:14 | 07:29 | 07:44 | 13:20 | 13:32 | 13:49 | 14:04 | 14:19 | 14:26 | 14:34 |
Kuśnierska 01 | 05:16 | 05:31 | 05:46 | 06:01 | 06:15 | 06:31 | 06:44 | 06:59 | 07:15 | 07:30 | 07:45 | 13:21 | 13:33 | 13:50 | 14:05 | 14:20 | 14:27 | 14:35 |
Cechowa 01 | 05:18 | 05:33 | 05:48 | 06:03 | 06:17 | 06:33 | 06:46 | 07:01 | 07:17 | 07:32 | 07:47 | 13:23 | 13:35 | 13:52 | 14:07 | 14:22 | 14:29 | 14:37 |
Nasypowa 02 | 05:19 | 05:34 | 05:49 | 06:04 | 06:18 | 06:34 | 06:47 | 07:02 | 07:18 | 07:33 | 07:48 | 13:24 | 13:36 | 13:53 | 14:08 | 14:23 | 14:30 | 14:38 |
Żeglarzy 02 | 05:20 | 05:35 | 05:50 | 06:05 | 06:19 | 06:35 | 06:48 | 07:03 | 07:19 | 07:34 | 07:49 | 13:25 | 13:37 | 13:54 | 14:09 | 14:24 | 14:31 | 14:39 |
Stocznia Wojenna 02 | 05:21 | 05:36 | 05:51 | 06:06 | 06:20 | 06:36 | 06:49 | 07:04 | 07:20 | 07:35 | 07:50 | 13:26 | 13:38 | 13:55 | 14:10 | 14:25 | 14:32 | 14:40 |
Akademia Marynarki Wojennej 02 | 05:22 | 05:37 | 05:52 | 06:07 | 06:21 | 06:37 | 06:50 | 07:05 | 07:21 | 07:36 | 07:51 | 13:27 | 13:39 | 13:56 | 14:11 | 14:26 | 14:33 | 14:41 |
Oksywie Dolne 04 | 05:23 | 05:38 | 05:53 | 06:08 | 06:22 | 06:38 | 06:51 | 07:06 | 07:22 | 07:37 | 07:52 | 13:28 | 13:40 | 13:57 | 14:12 | 14:27 | 14:34 | 14:42 |
ZKM Gdynia bus schedule - 198 (Oksywie Dolne 04)
The ZKM Gdynia bus schedule for the 198 route, Oksywie Dolne 04, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Chylonia Dworzec PKP - Os. Meksyk 01 station to Oksywie Dolne 04 station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.
You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date ZKM Gdynia schedule.