Weekdays Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Chynów 09:25 10:25 11:25 12:25 13:24 17:51 19:12 21:12 Bukowa 09:26 10:26 11:26 12:26 13:25 17:52 19:13 21:13 Jastrzębia 09:27 10:27 11:27 12:27 13:26 17:53 19:14 21:14 Rondo Rady Europy 09:28 10:28 11:28 12:28 13:27 17:54 19:15 21:15 Strumykowa 09:30 10:30 11:30 12:30 13:29 17:56 19:17 21:17 Dolina Zielona 09:32 10:32 11:32 12:32 13:31 17:58 19:19 21:19 Staszica 09:34 10:34 11:34 12:34 13:33 18:00 19:21 21:21 Centrum Przesiadkowe - B1 & B2 09:36 10:36 11:36 12:36 13:35 18:02 19:23 21:23 Centrum 09:38 10:38 11:38 12:38 13:37 18:04 19:25 21:25 Elżbietanki 09:40 10:40 11:40 12:40 13:39 18:06 19:27 21:27 Rondo Pck 09:43 10:43 11:43 12:43 13:42 18:09 19:30 21:30 Wojska Polskiego 09:44 10:44 11:44 12:44 13:43 18:10 19:31 21:31 Zacisze 09:46 10:46 11:46 12:46 13:45 18:12 19:33 21:33 Porzeczkowa 09:47 10:47 11:47 12:47 13:46 18:13 19:34 21:34 Agrestowa 09:48 10:48 11:48 12:48 13:47 18:14 19:35 21:35 Prosta 09:49 10:49 11:49 12:49 13:48 18:15 19:36 21:36 Świerkowa 09:52 10:52 11:52 12:52 13:51 18:18 19:39 21:39 Osiedle Leśne 09:53 10:53 11:53 12:53 13:52 18:19 19:40 21:40
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Saturday Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Departure #9 Departure #10 Departure #11 Chynów 07:12 09:11 09:51 11:11 11:51 12:31 13:51 15:11 17:11 19:12 21:12 Bukowa 07:13 09:12 09:52 11:12 11:52 12:32 13:52 15:12 17:12 19:13 21:13 Jastrzębia 07:14 09:13 09:53 11:13 11:53 12:33 13:53 15:13 17:13 19:14 21:14 Rondo Rady Europy 07:15 09:14 09:54 11:14 11:54 12:34 13:54 15:14 17:14 19:15 21:15 Strumykowa 07:17 09:16 09:56 11:16 11:56 12:36 13:56 15:16 17:16 19:17 21:17 Dolina Zielona 07:19 09:18 09:58 11:18 11:58 12:38 13:58 15:18 17:18 19:19 21:19 Staszica 07:21 09:20 10:00 11:20 12:00 12:40 14:00 15:20 17:20 19:21 21:21 Centrum Przesiadkowe - B1 & B2 07:23 09:22 10:02 11:22 12:02 12:42 14:02 15:22 17:22 19:23 21:23 Centrum 07:25 09:24 10:04 11:24 12:04 12:44 14:04 15:24 17:24 19:25 21:25 Elżbietanki 07:27 09:26 10:06 11:26 12:06 12:46 14:06 15:26 17:26 19:27 21:27 Rondo Pck 07:30 09:29 10:09 11:29 12:09 12:49 14:09 15:29 17:29 19:30 21:30 Wojska Polskiego 07:31 09:30 10:10 11:30 12:10 12:50 14:10 15:30 17:30 19:31 21:31 Zacisze 07:33 09:32 10:12 11:32 12:12 12:52 14:12 15:32 17:32 19:33 21:33 Porzeczkowa 07:34 09:33 10:13 11:33 12:13 12:53 14:13 15:33 17:33 19:34 21:34 Agrestowa 07:35 09:34 10:14 11:34 12:14 12:54 14:14 15:34 17:34 19:35 21:35 Prosta 07:36 09:35 10:15 11:35 12:15 12:55 14:15 15:35 17:35 19:36 21:36 Świerkowa 07:39 09:38 10:18 11:38 12:18 12:58 14:18 15:38 17:38 19:39 21:39 Osiedle Leśne 07:40 09:39 10:19 11:39 12:19 12:59 14:19 15:39 17:39 19:40 21:40
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Sunday Schedule Station Departure #1 Departure #2 Departure #3 Departure #4 Departure #5 Departure #6 Departure #7 Departure #8 Departure #9 Chynów 06:03 07:12 09:12 11:11 13:11 15:11 17:11 19:12 21:12 Bukowa 06:04 07:13 09:13 11:12 13:12 15:12 17:12 19:13 21:13 Jastrzębia 06:05 07:14 09:14 11:13 13:13 15:13 17:13 19:14 21:14 Rondo Rady Europy - 07:15 09:15 11:14 13:14 15:14 17:14 19:15 21:15 Makro 06:07 - - - - - - - - Lug 06:08 - - - - - - - - Stelmet 06:09 - - - - - - - - Lumel 06:11 - - - - - - - - Kostrzyńska 06:13 - - - - - - - - Strumykowa 06:16 07:17 09:17 11:16 13:16 15:16 17:16 19:17 21:17 Dolina Zielona 06:18 07:19 09:19 11:18 13:18 15:18 17:18 19:19 21:19 Staszica 06:20 07:21 09:21 11:20 13:20 15:20 17:20 19:21 21:21 Centrum Przesiadkowe - B1 & B2 06:22 07:23 09:23 11:22 13:22 15:22 17:22 19:23 21:23 Centrum 06:24 07:25 09:25 11:24 13:24 15:24 17:24 19:25 21:25 Elżbietanki 06:26 07:27 09:27 11:26 13:26 15:26 17:26 19:27 21:27 Rondo Pck 06:28 07:30 09:30 11:29 13:29 15:29 17:29 19:30 21:30 Wojska Polskiego 06:29 07:31 09:31 11:30 13:30 15:30 17:30 19:31 21:31 Zacisze 06:30 07:33 09:33 11:32 13:32 15:32 17:32 19:33 21:33 Porzeczkowa 06:31 07:34 09:34 11:33 13:33 15:33 17:33 19:34 21:34 Agrestowa 06:32 07:35 09:35 11:34 13:34 15:34 17:34 19:35 21:35 Prosta 06:33 07:36 09:36 11:35 13:35 15:35 17:35 19:36 21:36 Świerkowa 06:36 07:39 09:39 11:38 13:38 15:38 17:38 19:39 21:39 Osiedle Leśne 06:37 07:40 09:40 11:39 13:39 15:39 17:39 19:40 21:40
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MZK Zielona Góra bus schedule - 17 (Osiedle Leśne) The MZK Zielona Góra bus schedule for the 17 route, Osiedle Leśne, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Chynów station to Osiedle Leśne station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.
You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date MZK Zielona Góra schedule.
17 Alternative Directions Schedules