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134 - Orłowo Skm - ""Klif"" 04 Schedule

Weekdays Schedule

StationDeparture #1Departure #2Departure #3Departure #4Departure #5
Obłuże Maciejewicza 0105:5906:2907:2907:4408:02
Stare Obłuże 0106:0006:3007:3007:4508:03
Turkusowa 0106:0206:3207:3207:4708:05
Dąbka - Zespół Szkół 0106:0306:3307:3307:4808:06
Benisławskiego 0106:0406:3407:3407:4908:07
Dąbka - Zielona 0106:0506:3507:3507:5008:08
Bosmańska - Zielona 0206:0706:3707:3707:5208:10
Bosmańska - Nasypowa 0206:0806:3807:3807:5308:11
Cechowa 9006:1006:4007:4007:5508:13
Obłuże Centrum 0506:1206:4207:4207:5708:15
Energetyków 0106:1506:4507:4508:0008:18
Janka Wiśniewskiego 0106:1706:4707:4708:0208:20
Węzeł Ofiar Grudnia '70 0106:1806:4807:4808:0308:21
Gdynia Dworzec Gł. PKP - Hala 0106:2106:5107:5208:0608:24
Starowiejska 0206:2206:5207:5308:0708:25
Armii Krajowej 0206:2406:5407:5508:0908:27
Kilińskiego 0206:2506:5507:5608:1008:28
Wzgórze Św. Maksymiliana Skm 0606:2706:5707:5808:1208:30
Wzgórze Św. Maksymiliana - Kapliczka 0206:2806:5807:5908:1308:31
Harcerska 0206:2906:5908:0008:1408:32
Centrum Nauki Experyment 0206:3007:0008:0108:1508:33
Redłowo Skm - Park Technologiczny 0206:3107:0108:0208:1608:34
Zwycięstwa - Wielkopolska 0206:3307:0308:0408:1808:36
Nawigatorów 0206:3407:0408:0508:1908:37
Orłowo Skm - Orłowska 0206:3507:0508:0608:2008:38
Orłowo Skm - ""Klif"" 0406:3707:0708:0808:2208:40

ZKM Gdynia bus schedule - 134 (Orłowo Skm - ""Klif"" 04)

The ZKM Gdynia bus schedule for the 134 route, Orłowo Skm - ""Klif"" 04, provides commuters with a reliable timetable. The schedule is for the trip plan from Obłuże Maciejewicza 01 station to Orłowo Skm - ""Klif"" 04 station, however the schedule may be updated due to different reasons.

You can access an online real-time schedule or view a printable version of the bus schedule. Plan your journey according to the schedule for today, tomorrow, weekdays, or the weekend with our reliable and up-to-date ZKM Gdynia schedule.