How to get from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim by bus?
From Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim by bus
Take one direct bus from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim in Warsaw: take the 148 bus from SGGW - Biblioteka 01 station to SGGW - Rektorat 01 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 min. The ride fare is PLN3.40.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationSggw-Biblioteka
- 2Wait for bus148Lotnisko Chopina
- 3Ride to bus stationSGGW - Rektorat 01ID 3100011 min
- 4Walk toWzim90 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim
Public transit stations close to Sggw-Biblioteka
Sggw-Biblioteka is located at Sggw-Biblioteka, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Ciszewskiego.
Metro stations close to Sggw-Biblioteka:
- Służew
- Stokłosy
- Ursynów
Bus stations close to Sggw-Biblioteka:
- Ciszewskiego
- Sggw-Biblioteka
- Sggw-Rektorat
Public transit stations close to Wzim, Warsaw
Wzim is located at Wzim, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Strzeleckiego 03.
Bus stations close to Wzim:
- Strzeleckiego 03
- Arbuzowa 01
- Ciszewskiego 06
Related Routes
- Podzamcze to Wzim
- Boleść to Wzim
- Metro Stadion Narodowy to Wzim
- Metro Politechnika to Wzim
- Metro Marymont to Wzim
- Sarmacka to Wzim
- Wieliszew Magnolii to Wzim
- Otwock Teklin II to Wzim
- Kobyłka Kościół to Wzim
- Kobyłka Radzymińska to Wzim
- Baniocha-Centrum to Wzim
- Góra Kalwaria Marianki to Wzim
- Lazurowa to Wzim
- Czersk-Zamek to Wzim
- Keniga to Wzim
- PKP Legionowo to Wzim
- Pieczyska to Wzim
- Góra Kalwaria Cmentarz to Wzim
- Piaseczno Szpital to Wzim
- PKP Wołomin to Wzim
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim?
The fastest way takes 3 minutes, using Bus line 148.
Is there a direct bus between Sggw-Biblioteka and Wzim in Warsaw?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim in Warsaw in 3 min.
Which bus line goes from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim in Warsaw?
The 148 bus line goes from Lotnisko Chopina station near Sggw-Biblioteka to SGGW - Rektorat 01 station near Wzim in Warsaw.
How long does it take to travel from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim in Warsaw by bus?
The total travel time between Sggw-Biblioteka and Wzim in Warsaw by bus is about 3 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Sggw-Biblioteka to get to Wzim in Warsaw?
Get on the 148 bus from the Lotnisko Chopina stop near Sggw-Biblioteka in Warsaw.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Sggw-Biblioteka and Wzim in Warsaw?
Get off the bus at the SGGW - Rektorat 01 stop, which is closest to Wzim in Warsaw.
How much is the bus fare from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim?
The ride from Sggw-Biblioteka to Wzim costs PLN3.40.