How to get from Trocka to Szpital Solec by ?
From Trocka to Szpital Solec by
Take one direct from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw: take the M2 from Trocka station to Centrum Nauki Kopernik station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 22 min. The ride fare is PLN3.40.
Step by Step
- 1Start from stationTrocka
- 2Wait forM2Bemowo
- 3Ride toCentrum Nauki KopernikID C1310 min
- 4Walk toSzpital SolecCzerwonego Krzyża550 m • 8 min
From Trocka to Szpital Solec by bus
To get from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw, take the 120 bus from Metro Trocka 03 station to Dw. Wileński 01 station. Next, take the 162 bus from Dw. Wileński 01 station to PKP Powiśle 03 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 34 min. The ride fare is PLN3.40.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationMetro Trocka 03ID 0370 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus120Dw. Wschodni (Kijowska)
- 3Ride to bus stationDw. Wileński 01ID 10030114 min
- 4Wait for bus162EC Siekierki
- 5Ride to bus stationPKP Powiśle 03ID 70680310 min
- 6Walk toSzpital SolecCzerwonego Krzyża220 m • 3 min
Public transit directions from Trocka to Szpital Solec
Public transit stations close to Trocka
Trocka is located at Trocka, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Metro Trocka 02.
Train stations close to Trocka:
- Warszawa Targówek
Bus stations close to Trocka:
- Metro Trocka 02
- Metro Trocka 06
- Metro Trocka 01
Public transit stations close to Szpital Solec, Warsaw
Szpital Solec is located at Czerwonego Krzyża, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Jaracza 01.
Train stations close to Szpital Solec:
- Warszawa Powiśle
Bus stations close to Szpital Solec:
- Jaracza 01
- Jaracza 02
- PKP Powiśle 04
Related Routes
- Księcia Janusza to Szpital Solec
- Metro Świętokrzyska 06 to Szpital Solec
- Żerań Fso 03 to Szpital Solec
- Metro Trocka 01 to Szpital Solec
- Trocka to Wołomin
- Trocka to Samodzielny Szpital Kliniczny Im. Prof. Witolda Orłowskiego
- Trocka to Orlen Arena
- Trocka to Stare Załubice
- Trocka to Port Lotniczy Chopina w Warszawie
- Trocka to Pge Narodowy
- Trocka to Sor - Izba Przyjęć
- Metro Słodowiec 07 to Technikum Elektroniczne im. Marcina Kasprzaka nr 36
- Piaseczno Zachodnia 01 to Józefosław
- Piaseczno Zachodnia 01 to Sochaczew
- Lipków Karabeli 01 to Stare Babice
- Lipków Karabeli 02 to Kanie Helenowskie
- Lipków Karabeli 02 to Koczargi Nowe
- Lipków Karabeli 02 to Stare Babice
- Lipków Przy Parku 04 to Stare Babice
- Antoninów Cm. Południowy - Brama Płd. 03 to Sochaczew
From Trocka to Szpital Solec by bus
To get from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw, take the 120 bus from Metro Trocka 03 station to Dw. Wileński 01 station. Next, take the 162 bus from Dw. Wileński 01 station to PKP Powiśle 03 station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 34 min. The ride fare is PLN3.40.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationMetro Trocka 03ID 0370 m • 1 min
- 2Wait for bus120Dw. Wschodni (Kijowska)
- 3Ride to bus stationDw. Wileński 01ID 10030114 min
- 4Wait for bus162EC Siekierki
- 5Ride to bus stationPKP Powiśle 03ID 70680310 min
- 6Walk toSzpital SolecCzerwonego Krzyża220 m • 3 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Trocka to Szpital Solec?
The fastest way takes 22 minutes, using Bus line M2.
What is the alternative route to get from Trocka to Szpital Solec?
The alternative route takes 34 minutes, using Bus line 120, Bus line 162.
Is there a direct between Trocka and Szpital Solec in Warsaw?
Yes, there is a direct going from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw in 22 min.
Which line goes from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw?
The line goes from Bemowo station near Trocka to Centrum Nauki Kopernik station near Szpital Solec in Warsaw.
How long does it take to travel from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw by ?
The total travel time between Trocka and Szpital Solec in Warsaw by is about 22 min.
Where do I get on the near Trocka to get to Szpital Solec in Warsaw?
Where do I get off the when travelling between Trocka and Szpital Solec in Warsaw?
Get off the at the Centrum Nauki Kopernik stop, which is closest to Szpital Solec in Warsaw.
When is the first metro from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw?
The first metro from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw is Bemowo — Bródno. It leaves the Trocka station at 8:06 AM.
When is the last train from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw?
The last train from Trocka to Szpital Solec in Warsaw is the Warszawa — Działdowo (Przyspieszony) line. It leaves the Warszawa Targówek station at 2:49 AM.
How much is the total fare from Trocka to Szpital Solec?
The ride from Trocka to Szpital Solec costs PLN3.40.