How to get from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski by light rail and metro?
From Metro Służew to Szpital Praski by light rail and metro
To get from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski in Warsaw, take the M1 metro from Służew station to Ratusz Arsenał station. Next, take the 20 light rail from Metro Ratusz Arsenał station to Park Praski station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 32 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to metro stationSłużewID A6160 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for metroM1Młociny
- 3Ride to metro stationRatusz ArsenałID A1514 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationMetro Ratusz ArsenałID 09190 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for light rail20Żerań Fso
- 6Ride to light rail stationPark PraskiID 024 min
- 7Walk toSzpital PraskiJakuba Jasińskiego330 m • 5 min
From Metro Służew to Szpital Praski by bus and metro
To get from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski in Warsaw, take the M1 metro from Służew station to Ratusz Arsenał station. Next, take the 190 bus from Metro Ratusz Arsenał station to Park Praski station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to metro stationSłużewID A6160 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for metroM1Młociny
- 3Ride to metro stationRatusz ArsenałID A1514 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMetro Ratusz ArsenałID 09190 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus190CH Marki
- 6Ride to bus stationPark PraskiID 024 min
- 7Walk toSzpital PraskiJakuba Jasińskiego330 m • 5 min
Public transit directions from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski
Public transit stations close to Metro Służew
Metro Służew is located at Metro Służew, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Metro Służew.
Metro stations close to Metro Służew:
- Służew
Bus stations close to Metro Służew:
- Metro Służew
- Wróbla
- Al. Lotników
Public transit stations close to Szpital Praski, Warsaw
Szpital Praski is located at Jakuba Jasińskiego, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Park Praski.
Metro stations close to Szpital Praski:
- Dworzec Wileński
Bus stations close to Szpital Praski:
- Park Praski
- Sierakowskiego
- Os. Panieńska
Related Routes
- Warszawa Śródmieście WKD to Szpital Praski
- Centrum to Szpital Praski
- Dw. Centralny to Szpital Praski
- Ordynacka to Szpital Praski
- Warszawa Zachodnia to Szpital Praski
- Dw. Wileński to Szpital Praski
- Metro Służew to Grójec
- Metro Służew to Orlen Arena
- Metro Służew to Szpital Świętej Elżbiety
- Metro Służew to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa
- Al. Lotników to Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
- Al. Lotników to Akademia Finansów I Biznesu Vistula
- Al. Lotników to Wyższa Szkoła Finansów I Zarządzania W Warszawie
- Al. Lotników to Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Al. Lotników to Raszyn
- Al. Lotników to Radzymin
- Al. Lotników to Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
- Al. Lotników to Politechnika Warszawska
- Al. Lotników to Zaborów
- Al. Lotników to Gołków
From Metro Służew to Szpital Praski by bus and metro
To get from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski in Warsaw, take the M1 metro from Służew station to Ratusz Arsenał station. Next, take the 190 bus from Metro Ratusz Arsenał station to Park Praski station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 35 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to metro stationSłużewID A6160 m • 3 min
- 2Wait for metroM1Młociny
- 3Ride to metro stationRatusz ArsenałID A1514 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMetro Ratusz ArsenałID 09190 m • 3 min
- 5Wait for bus190CH Marki
- 6Ride to bus stationPark PraskiID 024 min
- 7Walk toSzpital PraskiJakuba Jasińskiego330 m • 5 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski?
The fastest way takes 32 minutes, using Bus line M1, Bus line 20.
What is the alternative route to get from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski?
The alternative route takes 35 minutes, using Bus line M1, Bus line 190.
Is there a direct metro between Metro Służew and Szpital Praski in Warsaw?
No, you’ll have to take one metro line and one light rail line in total. The total travelling time is 32 min.
Which metro line goes from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski in Warsaw?
The M1 metro line goes from Służew station near Metro Służew to Młociny station. From there you’ll have to take one light rail line till Młociny station near Szpital Praski in Warsaw
How long does it take to travel from Metro Służew to Szpital Praski in Warsaw by metro and light rail?
The total travel time between Metro Służew and Szpital Praski in Warsaw by metro and light rail is about 32 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Metro Służew to get to Szpital Praski in Warsaw?
Get on the M1 metro from the Służew station near Metro Służew in Warsaw.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Metro Służew and Szpital Praski in Warsaw?
Get off the metro at the Młociny station, which is closest to Szpital Praski in Warsaw.