How to get from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice by bus and light rail?
From P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice by bus and light rail
To get from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice in Wołomin, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one light rail line: take the 733 bus from P+R Nadarzyn station to P+R Al. Krakowska station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 15 light rail and finally take the 705 bus from Os. Potok station to Załubice-Szkoła station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 2 hr 47 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from bus stationP+R Nadarzyn
- 2Wait for bus733P+R Al. Krakowska
- 3Ride to bus stationP+R Al. KrakowskaID 1520 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationP+R Al. KrakowskaID 02130 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for light rail15Marymont-Potok
- 6Ride to light rail stationMarymont-PotokID 0451 min
- 7Walk to bus stationOs. PotokID 03520 m • 7 min
- 8Wait for bus705Nowe Załubice Opolska
- 9Ride to bus stationZałubice-SzkołaID 0256 min
- 10Walk toStare ZałubiceMazowiecka930 m • 12 min
Alternative route from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice by bus and light rail via 63, 15 and 705
To get from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice in Wołomin, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one light rail line: take the 63 bus from Nadarzyn Urząd Gminy station to Warszawa / P+R Al. Krakowska 05 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 15 light rail and finally take the 705 bus from Os. Potok station to Załubice-Szkoła station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 32 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationNadarzyn Urząd GminyID 02340 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus63Warszawa P+R Al. Krakowska
- 3Ride to bus stationWarszawa / P+R Al. Krakowska 0526 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationP+R Al. KrakowskaID 0490 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for light rail15Marymont-Potok
- 6Ride to light rail stationMarymont-PotokID 0450 min
- 7Walk to bus stationOs. PotokID 03520 m • 7 min
- 8Wait for bus705Nowe Załubice Opolska
- 9Ride to bus stationZałubice-SzkołaID 0256 min
- 10Walk toStare ZałubiceMazowiecka930 m • 12 min
Public transit directions from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice
Public transit stations close to P+R Nadarzyn
P+R Nadarzyn is located at P+R Nadarzyn, Wołomin and the nearest public transit station is P+R Nadarzyn.
Bus stations close to P+R Nadarzyn:
- P+R Nadarzyn
- Nadarzyn Urząd Gminy
- Nadarzyn Kościuszki
Public transit stations close to Stare Załubice, Wołomin
Stare Załubice is located at Mazowiecka, Wołomin and the nearest public transit station is Stare Załubice Marcinki.
Bus stations close to Stare Załubice:
- Stare Załubice Marcinki
- Stare Załubice
- Stare Załubice Zegrzyńska
Related Routes
- Legionowo Główna 01 to Stare Załubice
- Nadarzyn Centrum Mody to Stare Załubice
- Węzeł Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice
- Augustów 02 to Stare Załubice
- Milanówek to Stare Załubice
- Pruszków Kubusia Puchatka 01 to Stare Załubice
- P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice
- Legionowo to Stare Załubice
- P+R Nadarzyn to Józefosław
- Małęczyńska / Lubelska (Nż) to Strzeniówka
- Metro Trocka to Technikum Elektroniczne im. Marcina Kasprzaka nr 36
- Radzymin Głowackiego to Kanie Helenowskie
- Pałacowa to Sochaczew
- Zielonka Prymasa Wyszyńskiego to Wyższa Szkoła Inżynierii i Zdrowia
- Os. Marywilska to Józefosław
- Os. Marywilska to babice nowe
- Białołęka Dworska to Raszyn
- Białołęka Dworska to Kanie Helenowskie
- Areszt Śledczy Białołęka to Radzymin
- Areszt Śledczy Białołęka to Sochaczew
Alternative route from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice by bus and light rail via 63, 15 and 705
To get from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice in Wołomin, you’ll need to take 2 bus lines and one light rail line: take the 63 bus from Nadarzyn Urząd Gminy station to Warszawa / P+R Al. Krakowska 05 station. Next, you’ll have to switch to the 15 light rail and finally take the 705 bus from Os. Potok station to Załubice-Szkoła station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 3 hr 32 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationNadarzyn Urząd GminyID 02340 m • 5 min
- 2Wait for bus63Warszawa P+R Al. Krakowska
- 3Ride to bus stationWarszawa / P+R Al. Krakowska 0526 min
- 4Walk to light rail stationP+R Al. KrakowskaID 0490 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for light rail15Marymont-Potok
- 6Ride to light rail stationMarymont-PotokID 0450 min
- 7Walk to bus stationOs. PotokID 03520 m • 7 min
- 8Wait for bus705Nowe Załubice Opolska
- 9Ride to bus stationZałubice-SzkołaID 0256 min
- 10Walk toStare ZałubiceMazowiecka930 m • 12 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice?
The fastest way takes 167 minutes, using Bus line 733, Bus line 15, Bus line 705.
What is the alternative route to get from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice?
The alternative route takes 212 minutes, using Bus line 63, Bus line 15, Bus line 705.
Is there a direct bus between P+R Nadarzyn and Stare Załubice?
No, you’ll have to take 2 bus lines and one light rail line in total. The total travelling time is 2 hr 47 min.
Which bus line goes from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice?
The 733 bus line goes from P+R Al. Krakowska station near P+R Nadarzyn in Pruszków to P+R Al. Krakowska station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line and one light rail line till P+R Al. Krakowska station near Stare Załubice in Wołomin.
How long does it take to travel from P+R Nadarzyn to Stare Załubice by bus and light rail?
The total travel time between P+R Nadarzyn in Pruszków and Stare Załubice in Wołomin by bus and light rail is about 2 hr 47 min.
Where do I get on the bus near P+R Nadarzyn to get to Stare Załubice?
Get on the 733 bus from the P+R Al. Krakowska stop near P+R Nadarzyn in Pruszków.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between P+R Nadarzyn and Stare Załubice?
Get off the bus at the P+R Al. Krakowska stop, which is closest to Stare Załubice in Wołomin.