How to get from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo by bus and metro?
From Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo by bus and metro
To get from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo in Warsaw, take the M2 metro from Rondo Daszyńskiego station to Bródno station. Next, take the 226 bus from Metro Bródno station to Mańki-Wojdy station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 55 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationRondo Daszyńskiego
- 2Wait for metroM2Bródno
- 3Ride to metro stationBródnoID C2124 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMetro BródnoID 1180 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus226Os. Zielona Dolina
- 6Ride to bus stationMańki-WojdyID 0221 min
- 7Walk toLegionowo280 m • 4 min
Alternative route from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo by bus and metro via M2 and 120
To get from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo in Warsaw, take the M2 metro from Rondo Daszyńskiego station to Trocka station. Next, take the 120 bus from Metro Trocka station to Mańki-Wojdy station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationRondo Daszyńskiego
- 2Wait for metroM2Bródno
- 3Ride to metro stationTrockaID C1818 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMetro TrockaID 06120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus120Olesin
- 6Ride to bus stationMańki-WojdyID 0431 min
- 7Walk toLegionowo150 m • 2 min
Public transit directions from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo
Public transit stations close to Rondo Daszyńskiego
Rondo Daszyńskiego is located at Rondo Daszyńskiego, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Rondo Daszyńskiego.
Metro stations close to Rondo Daszyńskiego:
- Rondo Daszyńskiego
Bus stations close to Rondo Daszyńskiego:
- Rondo Daszyńskiego
- Karolkowa
- Muzeum Powstania Warszawskiego
Public transit stations close to Legionowo, Warsaw
Legionowo is located at Legionowo, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Pszeniczna.
Bus stations close to Legionowo:
- Pszeniczna
- Pucciniego
- Zdziarska
Related Routes
- Ryki to Legionowo
- Skarżysko to Legionowo
- Warsaw to Legionowo
- Węgrów to Legionowo
- Metro Młociny to Legionowo
- Dw. Centralny to Legionowo
- Metro Wilanowska to Legionowo
- Warszawa Zachodnia to Legionowo
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Grójec
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Piaseczno
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Warsaw
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Szpital Specjalistyczny Im. Świętej Rodziny Spzoz
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Orlen Arena
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Oddział I Ab
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Pge Narodowy
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Szpital Powiatowy W Skarżysku-Kamiennej
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Mazowiecki Oddział Wojewódzki Nfz - Delegatura W Radomiu
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Uczelnia Łazarskiego
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
- Rondo Daszyńskiego to Akademia Finansów I Biznesu Vistula
Alternative route from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo by bus and metro via M2 and 120
To get from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo in Warsaw, take the M2 metro from Rondo Daszyńskiego station to Trocka station. Next, take the 120 bus from Metro Trocka station to Mańki-Wojdy station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 59 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationRondo Daszyńskiego
- 2Wait for metroM2Bródno
- 3Ride to metro stationTrockaID C1818 min
- 4Walk to bus stationMetro TrockaID 06120 m • 2 min
- 5Wait for bus120Olesin
- 6Ride to bus stationMańki-WojdyID 0431 min
- 7Walk toLegionowo150 m • 2 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo?
The fastest way takes 55 minutes, using Bus line M2, Bus line 226.
What is the alternative route to get from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo?
The alternative route takes 59 minutes, using Bus line M2, Bus line 120.
Is there a direct metro between Rondo Daszyńskiego and Legionowo in Warsaw?
No, you’ll have to take one metro line and one bus line in total. The total travelling time is 55 min.
Which metro line goes from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo in Warsaw?
The M2 metro line goes from Bródno station near Rondo Daszyńskiego to Bródno station. From there you’ll have to take one bus line till Bródno station near Legionowo in Warsaw
How long does it take to travel from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo in Warsaw by metro and bus?
The total travel time between Rondo Daszyńskiego and Legionowo in Warsaw by metro and bus is about 55 min.
Where do I get on the metro near Rondo Daszyńskiego to get to Legionowo in Warsaw?
Get on the M2 metro from the Bródno station near Rondo Daszyńskiego in Warsaw.
Where do I get off the metro when travelling between Rondo Daszyńskiego and Legionowo in Warsaw?
Get off the metro at the Bródno stop, which is closest to Legionowo in Warsaw.
When is the last bus from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo in Warsaw?
The last bus from Rondo Daszyńskiego to Legionowo in Warsaw is the Dw. Centralny - Olesin line. It leaves the Emilii Plater stop at 3:17 AM.