How to get from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa by bus?
From Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa by bus
Take one direct bus from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw: take the 156 bus from Metro Młociny station to Szpital Bródnowski station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 36 min.
Step by Step
- 1Walk to bus stationMetro MłocinyID 01150 m • 2 min
- 2Wait for bus156Dw. Wschodni (Kijowska)
- 3Ride to bus stationSzpital BródnowskiID 0228 min
- 4Walk toCentrum Gamma Knife WarszawaLudwika Kondratowicza320 m • 5 min
From Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa by bus and metro
To get from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw, take the M1 metro from Młociny station to Dworzec Gdański station. Next, take the 500 bus from Dw. Gdański station to Żuromińska station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationMłociny
- 2Wait for metroM1Kabaty
- 3Ride to metro stationDworzec GdańskiID A1712 min
- 4Walk to bus stationDw. GdańskiID 0350 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus500Bródno-Podgrodzie
- 6Ride to bus stationŻuromińskaID 0212 min
- 7Walk toCentrum Gamma Knife WarszawaLudwika Kondratowicza430 m • 6 min
Public transit directions from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa
Public transit stations close to Młociny
Młociny is located at Młociny, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Metro Młociny.
Bus stations close to Młociny:
- Metro Młociny
- Sokratesa
Public transit stations close to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa, Warsaw
Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa is located at Ludwika Kondratowicza, Warsaw and the nearest public transit station is Gilarska.
Metro stations close to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa:
- Kondratowicza
Bus stations close to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa:
- Gilarska
- Żuromińska
- Metro Kondratowicza
Related Routes
- Politechnika to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa
- Dw. Centralny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa
- Metro Służew to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa
- Młociny to Wyszków
- Młociny to babice nowe
- Marymont to Szpital Bielański
- Dworzec Gdański to Wołomin
- Dworzec Gdański to WAT
- Centrum to Instytut Gruźlicy I Chorób Płuc
- Centrum to Szpital Powiatowy W Pruszkowie
- Centrum to Józefosław
- Politechnika to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa
- Keniga to Uczelnia Łazarskiego
- Keniga to Akademia Leona Koźmińskiego
- Keniga to Akademia Finansów I Biznesu Vistula
- Keniga to Wyższa Szkoła Finansów I Zarządzania W Warszawie
- Keniga to Uniwersytet Warszawski
- Keniga to Raszyn
- Keniga to Radzymin
- Keniga to Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny
From Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa by bus and metro
To get from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw, take the M1 metro from Młociny station to Dworzec Gdański station. Next, take the 500 bus from Dw. Gdański station to Żuromińska station. The total trip duration for this route is approximately 34 min.
Step by Step
- 1Start from metro stationMłociny
- 2Wait for metroM1Kabaty
- 3Ride to metro stationDworzec GdańskiID A1712 min
- 4Walk to bus stationDw. GdańskiID 0350 m • 1 min
- 5Wait for bus500Bródno-Podgrodzie
- 6Ride to bus stationŻuromińskaID 0212 min
- 7Walk toCentrum Gamma Knife WarszawaLudwika Kondratowicza430 m • 6 min
Questions & Answers
What is the fastest way to get from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa?
The fastest way takes 36 minutes, using Bus line 156.
What is the alternative route to get from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa?
The alternative route takes 34 minutes, using Bus line M1, Bus line 500.
Is there a direct bus between Młociny and Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw?
Yes, there is a direct bus going from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw in 36 min.
Which bus line goes from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw?
The 156 bus line goes from Metro Młociny station near Młociny to Dw. Wschodni (Kijowska) station near Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw.
How long does it take to travel from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw by bus?
The total travel time between Młociny and Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw by bus is about 36 min.
Where do I get on the bus near Młociny to get to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw?
Get on the 156 bus from the Metro Młociny stop near Młociny in Warsaw.
Where do I get off the bus when travelling between Młociny and Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw?
Get off the bus at the Dw. Wschodni (Kijowska) stop, which is closest to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw.
When is the last bus from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw?
The last bus from Młociny to Centrum Gamma Knife Warszawa in Warsaw is the Metro Młociny - Dw. Wschodni (Kijowska) line. It leaves the Metro Młociny stop at 8:16 AM.